The Sudan Revolts: Post # 5

I'm very excited about this post today.
Since the site has gone up, which is about 5 days, the following has happened.
-The video has gotten over 5 thousand views so far.
-I have been able to send 2 donations to Girifna via people buying the song from the site.
-The lyrics have been translated into 4 languages.
-Many people on twitter have been spreading the link like wild fire.
-And, the Sudanese government has banned the site in Sudan, which means I'm doing something right.

Today the good news continue.
My friend Rabab Al-Amin has put me in contact with Marc Steiner, who hosts The Marc Steiner Show on WEAA 88.9 FM. He check out the site and wrote back to me that "Its important, its creative, and it needs to be heard", so he is generously planning on having me on his show to talk about the situation in Sudan.

I'm very excited and scared out of my mind at the same time :)
I will be trying to get some one from Girifna's DC/MD/VA branch to join me if possible.

I will keep you all posted of course, thanks to everyone who have donated and spread the word about the cause, I really really appreciate it.

Lets bring the System Down.
Much Love to you all,


  1. Shared my friend. If you need some help prepping, I'm happy to chat on the phone. Let me know if there's more I can do to help. Pav

  2. Thank you so much Pav, your encouragement & support is greatly appreciated :)
